================================================================ Title : BLADE13.WAD Author : Bob Lange Email Address : bob.lange@aquila.com rlange7@genie.geis.com Misc. Author Info : Description : Well, you've done it again. After successfully escaping from Hell, you've stumbled into yet another hole filled with bad guys. At least this one has some light in it, after all that cavern crawling. Good luck. Always keep at least five rockets in reserve... Additional Credits to : BC for playtesting ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Yes, but only two... New Graphics : No New Music : Yes, Bach (sorry, but I _had_ to do it) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 56 hours (940514 - 940602) Editor(s) used : DEU 5.1, DEU 5.21, DoomCad 4.2, BSP 1.0 Known Bugs : None Authors Notes : In keeping with this being a episode 2 wad, the situations are more challenging. Despite fewer adversaries, this wad is harder than my last creation KRONOS (shameless plug) due primarily to a tougher mix of monsters. This wad is annoying for deathmatch because of the use of one-way doors, but it's not insurmountable, as all rooms can be entered and exited by at least one way. The basic idea behind BLADE is rooms open to the sky, evoking an out-in-the-open feeling, yet not outdoors. The mood is definitely not depressing, despite the choice of music. Attitude Adjustment : I have seen a number of complaints on a.g.d lately, and I'd like to address each of them. Concerning the appalling practice of loading up a room with monsters and dropping the player into it: I personally abhor this, and I hope you do too, since all but the most seasoned players just drop into god mode and the balance of the wad, what little there was, is lost. I don't want to pontificate here, this being but a scribble in a ZIP, but if you want to impart repeat playability in your wad, then consider this: balance and theme. Concerning the 90 degree wad: More than one poster has decried the 90 degree orientation of many wads. This is forced on us by our 90 degree world, but you can break out of it. Don't expect it from this wad, however, as I'm still learning the tools. Next time, perhaps. Concerning machine speeds and wad size: I don't own a Pentium, and I really get steamed at people who create wads with them, and don't playtest on lesser machines. I have played wads that credit "daddy, for letting me use his Pentium to build this wad" that won't play at greater than 8 fps on a 486DX/33! Wake up people! It's all fine and good to build a monster wad with hundreds of barons, but if it won't play on Doom's minimum machine then you had better rethink your wad, else it just ends up in the bit bucket. Disclaimer ; The opinions stated herein are mine. Go get your own. Flames invited. (I don't get enough mail as it is...) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD pursuant to the following limitations: 1. You include this file, with no modifications. 2. You MAY NOT distribute this WAD, in whole or in part, as part of a commercial product without the permission of the author. This includes any use for profit, including the use of this level in competitions or collections of files on physical media. Distribution via electronic means is excepted from this limitation (you may post this WAD on commercial and private BB systems). * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: None BBS numbers: Aquila (708) 820-8344 Other: GEnie Scorpia Games Library