Usage: stwad PWADfile [Skill] PWADfile is the name of the PWAD. Be sure to include the .WAD ending. Skill is a number 1-5 that indicates the skill level (where 1 is "I'm too young to die" and 5 is "NIGHTMARE"). This is an optional argument, as indicated by the brackets []. If you do not include a skill, it is automatically set to skill level 3 - "Hurt me plenty". Be sure to separate all arguments with spaces. I originally designed this little program because I was tired of remembering the episodes and map numbers of each PWAD in my directory. It became routine to search for the level in the different episodes once Doom is started up. This program eliminates all that by searching the PWAD and finding the level it starts at. It then warps to that level and you can start playing immediately. If you have any questions or comments, send E-mail to CIS:73133,2603 or '' if you're on the Internet.