12 March 1994 This is a pWAD file of my favourite DMatch level E2M8. This is defintely a DMatch level - there are few monsters and, as of right now, no exit. I'm working on getting the exit fixed, but as of right now, you have to drop out. If you are playing DMatch with two players over a modem or an iffy LAN, this lack of exit won't be noticed since the game will probably lock up before you get to the stage where you would want to exit, anyway. Still, I changed all of the textures, the items and the light levels and it _does_ make a great DMatch level for three or four players. Any comments, complaints, praise or advice to: p.f.mahoney@durham.ac.uk To use: doom -file pat.wad (I forget how to warp to a level in a DMatch game from the command line), but in one player mode, use IDCLEV 2 8 Created using: newdeu ver. 4.31 - the best doom editor currently available!