The DOOM .LMP Film Collection: Collector's Edition Title : NAT1 & NAT2 Category : Hall of Fame Recorded by: Date : March 15, 1994 Episode : 1 Level: 8 Skill: Ultra Violent Summary: [Personally, I think these are the most imaginative and interesting Hall of Fame .LMP of the "Pistol Challenge". I was only going to include one, but I had trouble deciding which one to put, since they both have their own curiosities. Here's Nat's description: - MH] In this LMP I first empty my pistol of bullets before opening the initial door. Then I run to the end of the long hallway and enter the main star- shaped room without pickup up any items. After killing all the monsters in this room, I return to the first part of the level and clean up the remaining pink guys. I finish the level with 199 health, 100 armor, 200 ammo, and 50 shot gun shells. The first one is my favorite because I'm a little more bold in my initial encounter with the big guys. The first one also demonstrates 2 different ways to go from the star room back to the long hallway. One odd thing though is that after I kill all the pink guys I can still hear one making noise somewhere, but I can't find him so I leave. The second one is unusual because as I am leaving the room with all the barrels one of the pink guys tries to bite me and sets off the barrels, killing most of them. This makes it easier, and might be considered cheating because it is such a fluke. I forgot to mention that I restrict my weapon usage to fists and pistol. Let me know what you think. Nat