This is a "Compound Group" of wads. Just run "doom -file newhits1.wad" This will give you a ALL NEW, full 8 map episode 1 Doom! This will ONLY WORK WITH REG. VERSION !!! I am more of a player than a builder so I put these togather for the rest of us. I used DEU5 to "Group" these hits. Thanks to the DEU authors and to the authors of these great wads!! The NEW Episode in order of map and Complexity is ..... 1.) E2M1ED .WAD 2.) STEPS3 .WAD 3.) DEATH .WAD 4.) E2M2BCE .WAD 5.) MINE1 .WAD 6.) NASTY .WAD 7.) STONES .WAD 8.) MEGAWATT.WAD I didn't build 'em I just wraped 'em up. Haven't finished them either so let's all have some fun and let the Coder/builders have some time. Great job to all of you! Mike-