======= 666.wad ======= Yet another new Doom level. This level replaces e1m1 but uses textures/monsters/weapons from the registered version. It is my first 'complete' new level. As such it wasn't entirely planned out first, but I think you'll think it is worth the download anyway. It was created using DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0. Many congrats to the authors of those programs. It has all skill levels and it is set up for multiplayer. It was designed for ultra-violence and is fairly challenging I think (so I've been told by others who played it), but it is definitely possible in UV. A reasonable 'par' time for 100% on everything is about 9-10 minutes. I'm sure it can be done faster (but not much). Please email me with any comments/problems/suggestions. My address is stimson@leland.stanford.edu. I hope you have fun. --Steve