These two .wad files were made simply to view fantastic battles in the courtyard of Episode 1, Level 1. They were created from the .wad file of the registered version 1.2 of DOOM. A batch file is included (SW.BAT) that contains all of the needed command-line parameters except the .wad name. Unzip the files into your DOOM directory. Type "SW SW1.WAD" or "SW SW2.WAD" to start DOOM and include the edited E1L1 file. Then, inside the game, type "IDDQD" to turn on GOD mode, run over to the courtyard window, fire a few shots to rile up the crowd, and then watch all the fun! SW1.WAD ------- Three Cyber Demons and three Spider Demons. The Cybers won most of the time I watched, sometimes wiping out all three of the Spiders without losing a single Cyber. Most of those times the Spiders won, there would be only a single Spider left standing. I like to see just how many shotgun blasts it takes to finish the one boss left standing. Once I dropped a Cyber Demon with only two shots! SW2.WAD ------- One Cyber Demon and one Spider Demon, surrounded by many Barons, Cacodemons, and Imps. The most common end to this carnage is several Barons left alive. Sometimes the Cyber is victorious and sometimes the Spider wins, but it's always fun to watch! One odd thing I noticed while viewing these battles was that sometimes the Spider Demon would get "stuck" trying to start walking or turning. It appeared that each time, some other creature was standing on one of its legs! In fact, I once saw a Baron stand on one of its legs and pound it to death with dozens of green fireballs without the Spider doing any shooting at all! Hope you enjoy the show! Stan Warman