================================================================ Title : BLUDBTH3.WAD Author : John "Doominator" Ehde Email Address : john.ehde@therealm.com Description : This level is designed to be a fast paced deathmatch level with a Doom ][ feel. The level is very smooth flowing. You'll find yourself covering all of the level. The weapon layout was well thought out, so that certain weapons are more desirable to obtain than others. For instance every one will know were you are when getting the Plasma. Since the Super Shotgun has become such a favorite weapon in deathmatch, that also has a slight degree of consequence, but is located so that every one will be going for it. Ammo and health were also major factors. I felt that the super health was just a little to much, so in the exit I put 60 health potions (don't you hate when your screen stays white for a while). And you'll only find the green armor. Loaded up you'll survive a rocket in the face with maybe 20% heatlth (where was that health again). The level has at least 50 hours 2 player deathmatch testing, so everything was debated, from sound (certain sound, certain area), lighting, warp in spots, starting points, weapon layout, health layout, and even graghics. So if your not satisfied with this level, you just don't know what deathmatch is! This level is best played with -altdeath and deathmatch 2.0. One hint is to keep the Super shotgun away from the other guy as much as possible. Also when exiting the plasma room launch a BFG, it'll at least even the score! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : 01 Cooperative 2-4 Player : Uuumm...ok. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : OH YES! A real blud fest! Difficulty Settings : Nope, no monsters New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : Nope * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 45 hours at best. Editor(s) used : Renegade Graghics DoomED v2.3 BSP v1.2x to build the nodes. Known Bugs : There are a couple of bugs in the center area. Nothing that would effect game play. No HOM's or any other graghic bugs. You'll notice that the floor hight in one area merge to an 8 point lower floor in the Super Shotgun room. Nothing really noticable. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Just so long as you send me a copy of your version. Otherwise, FORGET IT! You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this .txt file, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Other: Renegade Graghics BBS (Home of the best Doom/Doom2 editor yet!) (615)-337-9198 Beyond the Realm BBS (805)-987-5506 Exec-PC BBS (BIG BBS...300+ lines) (414)-789-4210