* General Information * ============================================================================ Title : CLAWSON7 (CLAWSON7.WAD, CLAWSON7.ZIP) Author : Kenneth S. Forte Email Address : fusioncon@cup.portal.com Additional Credits to : This PWAD was named for a good friend of mine whose father just passed away after a struggle with Lou Gehrig's disease. Rest assured that your dad will not be forgotten, Scott. I would also like to dedicate this PWAD to my girlfriend who, altho she hates DOOM with a passion, still admits thats she's proud of the PWADS I've made. Thanks to Rich Condon for testing the level. More credits given later... Description : Plot? Who needs a plot? Ummm, you're dropped in the crater of a dead volcano and someone just happened to leave weapons and shit all over the place. Maybe you're in some futuristic combat training facility. Perhaps a religious cult was living in a secluded mountain and built all of this but then suddenly decided to mass suicide. Who cares? Points of Interest : Invisible Walkway: This took a while to figure out, altho I'm sure someone else has done something similar before this. Yeah that's why there are those two lines of seemingly useless light pillars, people were bitching about running into the invisible walls. Guard/Sniper Tower: Ok, I readily admit that I blatantly stole the proximity detectors from the guy who did Aliens-TC (I think it was him.. was it?). The alarms outside of the tower indicate that there is someone in the tower, and are reset if the player in the tower leaves by either jumping out the front or taking the teleport. The alarms inside the tower tell whoever may be inside that someone else is poking around outside, so stay on your toes. (You can reset the inner alarms by going into the cubicle marked "Proximity Retrigger", so if the person is stupid and comes inside and you kill them you can be ready for the next dumbass that wanders along). Cooperative Exit: Standard Deal. Inside the Green Rock Building is a switch one the wall. Hit that switch to lower Lift A, which takes you to another one that lowers Lift B, which takes to yet another switch which lowers the wall behind the first switch, thus exposing the pulsing exit switch. Confused? Good. Suffice to say you need two players to accomplish this. * Play Information * ============================================================================ Episode and Level # : DOOM ][ MAP07 (Sick of Dead Simple, eh?) Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented (For DM? Get Real) New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes * Construction * ============================================================================ Base : New level from scratch Build Time : Roughly 36 hours give or take a week. Programs used : DEU 5.21GCC EDMAP v1.22 IDBSP v1.01 DMGRAPH v1.1 Deluxe Paint: (EA puts the PAIN in Painting) Known Bugs : If you go behind the tombstone farthest back in the graveyard, and then look out over both the mausoleum and the wall, you might get a HOM. * Copyright / Permissions * ============================================================================ Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file.