24-07-95 ================================================================ Title : The DANDY Deathmatch series NO.2 Filename : DANDY02.WAD Author : Lachlan Stewart --==°±² SÀîŸ ²±°==-- Email Address : slef@ozemail.com.au or 3:640/531 or the FIDOnet DOOM echo. Misc. Author Info : He he he, don't worry 'bout the name of this level. I am just warped and like to use weird names :) Description : The second of the DANDY Deathmatch series. Don't ask me how many are going to be in it... I am not sure!! 5-10 my guess. Anyway when I have finished the series I will compile all of them into one WAD called DANDY!.WAD so be on the look out for 0DANDY!.ZIP --==================================-- This level (and series) is designed for nothing more than DEATHMATCH, and this one for particularly fast DM. NO ARMOUR or HEALTH bonuses. Don't complain until you play, this makes for a much faster, furious, closer and alround more fun DM. Once your down your down there isn't anything you can do about it, and this calls for different tatics. ENJOY IT!!! Sorry 'bout the lack of plot!!! :) Dandy 02: This level is well, brownish using alot of BRICKxx textures. Quite pleasing to the eye I believe. Sort of an industrial zone Anyway, straight to the point, it plays RAD!!! I am very pleased with it the way it turned out. WEAPONS/AMMO: Shotgun + some shells Chaingun + some clips S Shotgun + some shells BFG 9000 + NO cells CHAINSAW!!! Additional Credits to : id Software --- no really! :) Everybody else asscoiated with DOOM --- GOOD level authors and people that make GOOD editors and graphics/sound patches. NO Credit TO : Any STUPID A*HOLES that make SH*T WADS or these FIRST-A-F*CKING-ATTEMPTS that we have too wade through on the NET or BBSs. Why do you upload them??? It just means that we have to look through TONNES of pathetic WADs in order to find maybe one or two that are good. Do you get my point? PLEASE do not upload first attempts. The situation on many BBSs is totally F*CKING ridiculous, and this is not to mention the NET. What's more you attach your name and EMAIL address to it. Really, I would be embarresed. Think about it next time you go to upload your first or second attempt. Believe me, I DID NOT put mine on. It takes quite some time to get good at making DOOM levels. If they don't look and play good... forget it. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP02 Single Player : Yes (not really) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (not really) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (most definitely) Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : Yes (from MAP05) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2 - Buggy :( NWT 1.3 WARM 1.1 - a good node builder apart from one bug I noticed. Known Bugs : WARM is pissing me off... it put's in sort of texture offsets, which well ain't there when you edit them in the editor. I managed to get around it (sort of meant scratching a switch.) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com - and more hopefully! BBS numbers: A.T BBS - +61 (0)70 914600 after 7pm EST Far Nortern News BBS - +61 (Australia) (0)70 331553 Tweed Valley BBS - +61 (0)66 763511 PS: Check for DANDY01 and DANDY03 COMMING SOON! :) Haven't started it yet...