NAME: shriek.wad MAP: 1 AUTHOR: DESC: A deathmatch level. CREDIT: To Mathew ( for playtesting, and me. That's about it. Pretty cool level if I must say so myself. This is a level which is actually worth the download time and effort. Also may well be the first (deathmatch) pwad for DOOM II. Desgined for 2 player deathmatch, -with monsters-. If you really don't want to contend with a few imps etc, play at skill 2, but -with monsters- :)... that way the one monster that makes the level will be the only one in the game. Don't forget to use -altdeath. You may want to add more deathmatch starting points. There are currently only four. I didn't realise at the time, but apparently you can have up to 10 starting points. I can't add them now, as the lmp has already been recorded. A note to those familiar with level editing. There was a noticable slowdown in the level when looking through the grates in the main area. This wasn't noticed earlier, as the level was developed on a iDX4. However, on DX/2's and slower, the framerate can drop. The effect can be lessened by removing the second sidedef's texture. It wont look as good, but there really isn't much difference. Note that this is the -only- part in the level that can cause lag during modoom. There is an lmp of myself and Matthew playing for a few mintues. Enjoy. IMHO, the best things about DOOM II are the new monsters and the super shotgun. There are now two new attack forms (arch-vile's hellfire and the revenant's guided missiles). The super shotgun is a clear winner, and has now become the weapon of choice for deathmatches. However, as per DOOM, there are scarse pickings for us exclusive deathmatch players in the new levels. The best (perhaps only, bar map 7) deathmatch level in DOOM II is map 1. This is perhaps the best deathmatch level I've seen. Anyways, the reason I wrote this is because there -are- few deathmatch levels. Now you have a DM level for DOOM II, with the wonderful super shotgun, and even fast doors and an archvile. [cheer]. And new textures [cheer]. And some new linedefs, like turn on/off lights [cheer]. And a well designed and playtested map where you don't have to run around for 20 fucking minutes to find the other guy only to get splatterd by a stoooopid BFG. One last thing. For kicks, let the archvile out and play 'Leap Of Death'(tm) in the main area. It's shitloads of fun. Try and see how elaborate a death scene you can make for the lmp. Hint: try and time it so that the thunder clap hits you just as you are running up the recessed area with the super shotgun. It's looks way cool to your buddy being flung right across the room in a graceful 'Leap Of Death'(tm). No permissions at all are given to sell this map, or to include it in any compilation of any software or utilities. Do not put this level in any shareware or compilation CD's. If I see it anywhere like that, I'll come around and thump the shit out of you. The only valid use for this map is to play it. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT THIS ASSOCIATED TEXT FILE. - STAND UP AND BE HEARD IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THAT SUPID .WAD AUTHOR'S TEMPLATE! - NO MORE BFG's ! - - BETTER DEATHMATCH LEVELS ! - ps. the lmp is shown from the authors' perspective....