========================================================================= Title : Tater 01 Filename : tater01.wad Author : Chris Richards Email Address : chris-richards@uiowa.edu Description: Pure deathmatch level. A split-level arena around a small central post with linked weapon rooms around the ouside. Great care went into making each major weapon/power up difficult to obtain without a trade-off: * Shotgun/Chainsaw -- Out in the open. Not many shells in game so good aim and constant restocking are required. * Super Shotgun -- Located inside the central post on moving floor. Available only 5 seconds or so out of each minute. * Rocket Launcher -- Located on the second of two adjacent moving-floor pillars. You need to be at the top of one floor while the other floor is at its lowest point. Happens, but takes some effort (and a lot of exposing your back). * Plasma Gun -- Located behind obvious fake wall at top of stairs. You need to shoot into each of the three blinking blue cubby holes across the arena to open the necessary doors. * Chaingun -- Located at the end of a very long, narrow acid hallway. Easy to get to, but if anyone with a rocket launcher sees (or hears) you go for it you're toast. Hollow pillars in room make good sniping points. * Blue Armor -- Located at the bottom of a very long lift drop. Anyone who sees you go in there can get into position to blow you away by the time you reach the top again. * Soul Sphere -- Perched atop a pillar with the "lower" switch located across the arena. Two teleporters leading to the pillar and the "hanging garden of dead bodies" next to it lead to ample opportunity for "ball swiping". * BFG -- doesn't exist. Never liked that thing in a deathmatch anyway. Regeneration philosophy -- There are 10 regeneration spots, 8 of which are next to useful items. This prevents anyone from controlling the level by monopolizing the good weapons. It's great when a friend kills you in the rocket room to rematerialize next to the rocket launcher, drop to the floor, and kill him before your body even hits the ground (well, not really that fast but you know). ** IMPORTANT ** It is not readily obvious how to get the plasma gun without reading the above notice. ======================================================================== * Play Information * Map# : Map 01 - DOOM ][ Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No point to it but the spots are there Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, altdeath especially Difficulty Settings : Items: Level 3 has an extra green armor Monsters: 1/2 - An Archville 3 - Two Mancubus 4 - Revenant and zombies New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BSP 1.0, DEU ][ (sorry, it works :-) Known Bugs : In the rocket room, a bug in the DOOM engine causes one of the platforms to raise through the roof if noone is on it. It looks cool though and doesn't hurt anything. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com