================================================================ Title : Cliffs11.WAD Author : Karl Romike Email Address : kromike@netzone.com Description : All originals made strictly for Deathmatch; computers don't develop vendettas & attitudes (as opposed to your so-called "buddies" who whoop with delight in shooting you in the back, moments after they swear to "work as a team"-it's really funny using the rocket launcher and watching you fly). Wellllll, I suppose you COULD play solo, but I made it tough. And if ya cry like a pansy, then go home to mommie & daddy (nuclear families only here) and spend the rest of your empty life playing text adventures on a Mac... ** D O O M R O C K S ** huh uh huh huh huh ================================================================ Theme: Inspired by a Jonny Quest episode (don't ask), I structured this around 4-player deathmatch. When the game begins, one of you will be the lone defender against up to three slimy stinkin' politically in- correct invaders. Use your arsenal, switches, teleports, and blood- lust to keep 'em at bay. If any one of 'em escapes around the western bend, watch your ass. If you happen to start out as one of the heroic team sent to secure this strategic sector, watch out. There's a lone scumbag left behind who feeling a bit anti-social; (but it's not his fault-he's a person "with difficult-to-meet needs" and is "morally different"). I know this is SUPPOSED to be deathmatch; but I strongly urge the three to work together; at least at first. Then start shooting each other in the back (of course, that helps the scumbag). If you don't have any friends and want to play solo, one suggestion: run for the border and don't stop to smell the roses. Don't shoot anything either. If ya do, well you'll find out. ...CHEAT CODES ARE FOR LOSERS... * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES YES YES Difficulty Settings : From wussy whipping boy to muscled madman. New Sounds : Nyet, comrade <*> New Graphics : Nyet, comrade <*> New Music : Nyet, comrade <*> Demo : Nope <*> <*> Workin' on it... * Construction * Base : Original E1M1.WAD Build Time : Two weeks ... Probably about 40-60 hours actual time. Editor(s) used : DEV 5.2, BSP 1.1 Known Bugs : couple of minor HOMs * Copyright / Permissions * Use as you see fit; just give me credit as the inspiration. Suggestions/improvements are welcome. * Where to get this WAD * MSN - CLIFFS11.ZIP * Also check out: MSN - SISTER13.ZIP