----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T U R B O ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Turbo Lifts.. Author: Dark Knight Difficulty: Easy to Medium # of players max: 4 DeathMatch: Yes Editor: Fully used DEU 5.1+ and wouldn't use anything else.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: This is my First level that I designed myself.. this is kind of a test level to see the full cababilities and ideas that I can use in my future levels.. Don't expect anything special but.. have fun.. Known Bugs: The only bugs I know of are a few of the walls for some reason you can see right through them from a certain angle.. I can't fix thoes for now.. but if anyone has any suggestions.. please say so.. For More Doom things and more of my levels call Death Star BBS (414)662-3501 -or- Mainframe BBS -or- over NorthStarNet at node 4453 - High Density BBS