4Pdeath.wad Author: Jason Boche, W. St. Paul, MN Internet address: hulio495@aol.com or rgjv78a@prodigy.com Completion date: February 8, 1995 Completion time: 10 hours (gimme a break, it's my first one!) Tools used: Doomcad5.1 for Windows, AMD 486DX2/80 Needed: Registered version of Doom2 (v 1.666 or above) Replaces: Map 01 This pwad supports single player, 2-player modem, and 2 thru 4 player network play (co-op and deathmatch). Start out on map 01 to play this level. This is my first distribution and attempt at creating a DoomII level. This level can be played as a single level only, but it was really meant for 2 to 4 player deathmatch. It's alot more fun that way! The setting is 75% out in the open, however, there are a few passage ways outside of the large open area. A few secret places, but no official secrets where you get credit for them. Give me some feedback and let me know what you think! You can reach me at hulio495@aol.com or rgjv78a@prodigy.com Happy Dooming!