ALLEYS OF THE RIPPER for DOOM][ ================================================================ "Will there never be a day unpolluted with blood?" - Tacitus, the Annals. Title : ALLEYS.WAD (v1.1) Author : Vince Russett, from Cheddar in Merrie England Email Address : 100652, Misc. Author Info : Recently discovered that an addiction to DOOM2 can be life-threatening - my family have threatened my life if I don't stop firing mini-guns after 12 midnight. It's a tough life being a space-marine... Description : My very first DOOM2 .WAD (-ish). The end of the Callisto campaign (see below) should have meant well-earnt retirement for you, marine. Now that the Callisto anomaly has been brought back to earth, someone else can mop up the remains..after all, we now have the measure of the monsters, and are starting to clear them out of most of earth. But there is a of the spooks at the military academy came up to you in the camp laboratory last night with a bunch of old books and things in a time-stasis case. He said there were quite a few of them in a military store in deepest Iowa (thats right, the one where the Ark of the Covenant is stored) - and told you that this was a CLASS 1 secret. Even the president was never told about these, and up until now, no-one has known how to interpret them. They are in a variety of hands, some ancient (one even seems to be a papyrus scroll with hieroglyphics, although the spook will only mutter darkly about plagues and darknesses when you ask about it) and some more modern. The upshot of it is that all describe foul beings that have haunted some troubled spots of earth. The spook produces a marbled edged ledger, its pages spotted with blood, and edges burnt. You read the copperplate with a sinking feeling.. "The ledger of William Jago, butcher, at the sign of the Red Deaths Head, Solomons End, Whitechapel, London, in the year 1858...I know the things were out in the alleyways in Whitechapel again last night..I know it is not a dream, and I saw the two watch men all burnt up by the fire from the evil brown things hands..all the people hid behind their doorways, and even the night-walkers fled..there was a great beast of some kind that made a blasphemous noise in which I could hear no words spoken..noises as of engines came from the site where the new buildings are to be made by Cut-Throat Alley..I heard terrible deep laughter, vile laughter..some arch-fiend is hiding in the alleyways, and I fear for my soul.." "All we know, Blazkowicz, is that Jago and his shop and all the area around it were destroyed in a huge fire, and they never recovered any bodies" says the spook "but theres a problem... the British government psychics say that the bastards have come back twice..once during the 1880s and again during the first world war... at least one of the Jack the Ripper sightings was of a brown thing the size of a man with thorns growing from its legs and arms, and fire around it..they put the man who reported it in Bedlam, but we think we know the truth now...and they say that the problem may emerge again..soon" The spook tells you about the experiments with the Callisto anomaly, and the attempts to use it to see the heart of Victorian London. "Unfortunately, we lost a few men attempting to get through, Blazkowicz...keep an eye out for them, some may be rescuable..We think that most of the ammunition and stores we sent through has reached the target area, but we aren't sure.. we are not even sure if we can bring you home.. keep a sharp eye for anything that looks like a switch..if the creatures are there, it'll be heavily guarded." "Some of our people have a theory that the Callisto anomaly will transport you to the nearest brood of the hellspawn..the nearest to here is London 1858, but there may not be a way straight back. There's another..well, that can wait! It looks like your tour of duty, marine..if you don't make it straight back, read the update on your belt computer - it's updated automatically, and it should give you some idea of what you're up against..good luck!" You strap on your military revolver, walk up to the Anomaly Lab. "OK, lets rock.." and you step into the machine. Night settles... ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP 10 Single Player : Yes (KILL! KILL! KILL!) Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (wimp mode) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (not playtested, but should be OK - use nomonsters) Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Gamma Correction : One below the level that shows dark areas as flat grey - this level is SUPPOSED to be dark. On my machine, it's level 3. Play with the lights off. At night. Not on scopolamine - I don't want deaths on my conscience Also available by me : The callisto anomaly .WADs for DOOM (1), BEACH.WAD, BATHS.WAD, CORRIDOR.WAD, MURDERUS.WAD, VAULT.WAD. Available as CALLISTO.ZIP (try the DOOM1 library on this forum). WATRMILL.WAD AND MANCUBI.WAD conclude this DOOM ][ series. * Construction * Base : Indigestion, drunkenness, a perverted imagination and an interest in industrial archaeology. Build Time : Oh, god, weeks, months, where did my muscle tone go? Editor(s) used : Win32DEU, DEU2 and BSP 1.1w Known bugs : isn't big enough...that bugs me. One small eccentricity of Win32DEU is that it lets you copy one thing directly on top of another. If that's an enemy, they can't move, so it's no good, but it is entertaining in some other ways. I've left one in deliberately...can you spot it? Available from : * Copyright / Permissions * I don't care, but please respect Id Software, or they might not do it again.. Respect...Raphael Quinet, Colin Reed, Bill Neisius, Brendon J Whyber, Renaud Pacquay and "Adler". I mean, it's a game for Gods sake, where do these people who write .WADs get off with their copyright restrictions. Only thing is, if you copy this and claim it's yours, buddy, just wait til you're walking up a lonely road one moonlit night, and the shadow of a revenant falls across your path... Thought for the WAD Why do Mancubuses feel the need to announce themselves? They clearly have a bad body image..maybe a little light exercise, guys? A few hints that may (I only say may) help: When you first step into the alleys, you will need to move to your right very, very fast. No cyberdemons "IDDQD users wear their sisters knicks" The level is full of traps. Don't trust the will need all those rockets.. Make certain you pick up the're gonna need it. Not all switches can be reached to press..but what does that matter.. Stay frosty, and most of all, listen for the evil laughter, and be very, very afraid. Read and learn: The ledger of Mr William Jago, butcher, of Whitechapel, London. This is the year of our lord 1858...steam and gas and empire, a modern age..I know this in my true self, but I cannot overcome this terror by night which haunts me. When my father died, and my poor mother and myself were forced to leave the old home in county Wexford, our faith in the Lord kept us strong. Although we wanted often, my poor mother kept myself and little Adelina fed and clothed through all the difficult years. Corn laws! We were lucky enough to have bread when we needed it, but only because of her, and when our cousins sailed for the New World after the disaster of the potato famine, she would have bid me go, but I said I would stay and look after the little business I had begun. Nothing grand, but you'll buy the best mutton chops this side of Pall Mall from William Jago. When John Pargiter told us all last October of how he'd seen a demon in the alleys north of Bleeding Heart Yard, we all laughed, and said the only demon he'd seen was the Demon Rum, and that too frequently. But poor old Johnny was found in the necessary house behind Lord Strangways stables in Camberley Mews, he looked like all the devils in hell had attacked him. My Lord!, he was slashed and burnt, and all his face was burnt away, and there was marks of claws..well, they said it was the fate of drinkers, the human combustion that comes in the end to those that drink too full. But they couldn't stop the rumours. The Quality never come down here, in the alleys of Whitechapel - how would they know what happens here? We buried John at St Martins in the Fields, as he wanted, but in the night, his grave was despoiled, and Lord alone knows where his head is... There was stories that little Sally Ferndown was taken by an animal in broad daylight, or at least, as the sun was sinking, in the mews at the back of Tugela Yard. Sam the Polish Doctor was watching from a window, and he said that as the sun went down, a flash of yellow and green light was seen over the mews, and something..he said it looked like a big man with the face of a pig and a bare chest..roared and laid a green fire over her, and she shrivelled into the flame..Oliver Plunkett was took by another, a thing that attacked him in the alley as he went to look for his mother, she in the corner gin house, and he left in the home with nothing to eat, poor little soul... I called the watch, and we went up and down the length of Whitechapel - many of the men said they'd never even known most of the alleys was there. One of 'em, a red-faced man like a pork-butcher, said that little Oliver wasn't the first..a Lascar off a trader out of Lagos had told him that he'd been chased by an "evil one" down the stable yard by the new brick buildings in Lime Street..he said that he couldn't see it under the lights, and only a sort of flicker gave it away..and the roar and the stench of its breath. Then last November, Jethro Parsons met a demon in Fennel Lane. He said that it hissed at him, and it was a great red thing, floating before him, and that it spat fire before it. He said that it passed him into Essex Mews, and that its one eye was trained on the door that leads to the School for the Conversion of the Jews in Black Step Lane, where he fainted, and when he came round, it was gone. He was a poorly soul, but when he disappeared on the night of the thunder last March, Job Samuels reckoned that there was fire in the sky, and he said that a fell creature had come to him in the dark, and said that he should leave bombs in the local parish library and a fire in the road by the waterfall at Solomons End. He said the creature was a brown flying ball, and that fiery skulls were spewed from its mouth. Job was properly put into Bedlam, and there he remains. Then Polly Pentreath was took to Bedlam..she was never queer in the head. She said that she'd walked out one evening (being of the disposition to find a gentleman, if you take my meaning) and that about eleven of the clock, she had business in Masons Lane, where it bends down towards the docks. She said that she distinctly heard a sound of laughter, deep laughter, and said it put her in mind of Madame Shelleys tales. She hurried up the lane, but as she turned the corner into Artichoke Yard, she says a very skeleton in rags strode from the dark, crouched down, and fire leapt from its shoulders. She fled down the lane, and in the darkness fell into the water. A hand pulled her out, and to her terror, she was looking into a devils face. He had one great glass eye, and was all in bright green, with a great grey snout, and carried a great gun or weapon. He spoke, and asked her if she was well, but she fled, and swears the green demon fired upon the skeleton. She was never quite right since that day. Well, I never takes much notice of rumours..I didn't believe the stories, they was too much like the things our old grandmother used to tell us back in Wexford, and anyway, I had my shop to run and people to see, and business is business...anyhow, so one night I was running over to Elijah Jefferies House on the Park (he being very partial to a few devilled kidneys, I believe, and only the best at less..) and I hear a commotion, and I think it must be fighting. Going over (and it's coming out of Cumberland Alley) I hears a terrible sound, like a man screaming, and a great deep voice that says something like "Mangabush! Mangabush!" over and over, and then on a sudden, I see a great fat thing standing in the alley over a body, and it turns to me, groans and shoots a fire or a flare or a great cannonball on fire, and it takes half the wall away behind me, and in the noise, the building comes down, and I get away in the dust, with the sound and screaming behind me. Well, I was shaken, I don't mind telling you, and I went home with my heart in my boots. Then the night me and Jessie went up to Chelsea. We went to see the spectacle, the great Chandra, the man who makes fire and fireworks. We saw the show, and hired a cab for the way home. As we was leaving Harrogate Avenue, the cabbie cried he saw a man in trouble, and a man ran out from Oak Lane. He had a bloody costume, and a great weapon like a Gatling gun in his hands, and was running towards us. Behind him was a terrifying thing, Oh God! I fear to remember it, it was a flying, burning head that screeched as it flew, like a skull, like a damned thing, like a demon. They went across the road, and into India Gardens, and we heard the sound of cries and screams, and we were trembling still when we reached our little shop, and the cabbie talking of death and the end of the world. It wasn't the last time.. now you can hear screams and cries all the time at night, and the watch won't go into Whitechapel at all....after the man from the Times was took, the watch kept the papermen out of the alleys: the things were out in the alleyways in Whitechapel again last night.. I know it is not a dream, and I saw the two watch men all burnt up by the fire from that evil brown things hands..all the people hid behind their doorways, and even the night-walkers fled..there was a great beast of some kind that made a blasphemous noise in which I could hear no words spoken.. noises as of engines came from the site where the new buildings are to be made by Cut-Throat Alley..I heard terrible deep laughter, vile laughter ..some arch-fiend is hiding in the alleyways, and Holy Mother of God, I fear for my soul.." (The burning and bloodstains have obliterated the rest of the manuscript, and the cover of the ledger bears deep rips like marks of claws..beneath the stains the words AS WELL YOU MIGHT have been deeply scored...) CHEATS Well, DOOM-lovers, you will all know everything about the IDDQD and IDCLEV cheats, and all that, so I don't need to tell you those, but in the spirit of all those rip-off books that tell you how to survive DOOM ][, I give you: THE OFFICIAL ALLEYS v1.1 CHEATSHEET (shades of megalomania) Don't read this first (despairing tone of voice...) this is just for if you're really won't be. This level contains 10 former humans, 16 former human sergeants, 17 chaingun dudes, 21 imps, 6 demons, 5 spectres, 11 lost souls, 2 cacodemons, 2 pain elementals, 2 hellknights, 5 revenants, 1 baron, 7 mancubi, 3 arachnotrons and an arch-vile. (Thats for those of you playing ultra-violence...the others will have time to count for themselves..maybe) Weapons available are 1 shotgun, 1 chainsaw, 1 super shotgun, 1 rocket launcher and 1 plasma gun (extra chainsaws for deathmatch ;-)). Powerups include 2 soul spheres, 1 blur artefact, 2 green armours, 1 combat armour, 6 medical kits, 4 stimpacks and 1 backpack. Ammo includes 7 boxes of shells, 4 boxes of rockets, 3 energy packs and assorted small bits and pieces. There are all three keys. SOLUTION I absolutely refuse to give you maps (remember you can get those while playing with the F1 key). You start in a fairly bare room, with two crates behind you. There are two ammo clips there - take them, then turn and kill the former humans. Go down the steps, and at the bottom, turn right. An imp awaits you behind the right hand wall - blow the bastard away, then repeat with the one lurking behind the giant crate (preferably by shooting the barrel he's trying to hide behind). Go into the corridor ahead (ignoring your former colleague hanging from the right side ceiling), and collect the health potions in the alcoves on your left. Peek around the next corner, and there he is...another imp, standing in front of two metal blocks, each with a flashing beacon on its top. Sort him, then nip down to the lighter area. This will open (for four seconds) the door at the back of the second alcove to reveal the docks. Blow up the barrel just outside the door while standing back (otherwise it will be blown up as you dawdle beside it). There are former humans, imps, a couple of demons and some sergeants awaiting you, one or two standing in the gravel barges opposite, or on the dockside. Run down the steps (as you turn the corner, a trigger will open a room with two chaingun dudes opposite the entrance door). Jump down, then sort out the crowd. Take your chance to grab a shotgun as quickly as possible, as there is at least one demon to deal with. Collect all the bonuses (a green armour is visible in the dark area: when you collect it, you lower a blockage in the corridor you recently left). There is a set of steps under a projecting room: run up these to collect a shotgun and medikit. Unfortunately, you will find you can't run down again, and will have to open the door and deal death to a posse of imps in the next room. Watch out as you open the exit door: there is a chaingun dude primed for action. Run up the steps again, and give a leaden greeting to the two chaingun dudes in the room opposite the entrance to the docks: when you have done this, go back down, blow up the barrels in the south-east corner of the docks, and ride the transporter. Step back smartly as you arrive, as outside of the cage, there is an imp with a line in fireballs to make your eyes water. The room you are in has no exit...aaargh! No worries...look out for the library sign outside of the cage, on the other side of the corridor to your left. Blast it, and a door opens behind you. Go into the passage, but be careful..there is an acid floor, and before you step onto the transporter to go back to the docks, there is also a sergeant looking for promotion. If you noticed the corridor outside the cage, that's'll see it again, if you survive. You find yourself in the room where the two chaingun dudes had a superb uninterrupted view of the docks from their bijou residence..if you didn't blow them away earlier, you're in trouble. If you did, collect the chainguns, and jump into the water. Go back up the steps, and now you can go back into the corridor, (don't worry, the door does open from this side) turn left, and go down to the end to pick up a chainsaw. Yesss!! If you want a nasty surprise, go ahead and open the shutter in front of you. See if I care. Go back up the corridor, and when you get back by the big crate, shoot up all the barrels that have been revealed (a wall went up when you collected the chainsaw). There are two gargoyle switches on the wall you are facing. If you fancy yourself as a hard case, switch the right hand one (and face the three chain gun dudes when the wall goes up opposite). Otherwise, open the big crate by switching the left hand one, and run into the transporter it contains. Oh..if the chaingun dudes went down close enough to the edge of their ledge, you might be able to upgrade to a chaingun by running hard at the alcove, before you ride the transporter. When you land in the corridor, do not take time to admire the scenery - although actually, this is a bit tatty, with old crates lying about all over. Turn right, and blast away with the shotgun...but don't hit the barrels to your right, or thats the end of Blaskowicz rescues Earth. There are two mean chaingun dudes in the corridor - don't let either of them hit the barrels to your right, or you're done for. Blow them away, collect their weapons (as well as the backpack on the crates to your left), then go down to the end of the corridor. Agh! No way out - shit!! Oh, hang on, what's this? Yes, the tiny window on the north side of the passage shows a distant switch. Shoot it, then move FAST. Blast the chaingun dude behind the opening wall, pick up the rocket launcher and head back towards your teleport landing. When you reach the crates, you'll hear a revenant...let him have a couple of rockets, and try to hit the barrels with blew 'em up already? Its handgun time at the start again. Pass his twice-dead corpse, pick up the ammo, and then enter the turbo door on your left at the end of the corridor. There are two cacodemons and two humans. Lay them to rest, then pick up the ammo in the room. You can pick up the soul sphere and blur artefact at your peril, as the flashing floor is deadly. Hit the switch to get back to floor level, then out. Across the way, behind the evil eye in the triangle, another door has opened. Go pass two faces on the shuts the door behind you, and the other opens may need this later, as you will see. Round the first bend, and some barrels hove in sight, then as you approach the next, a demon picks up your scent (as do a bevy of mancubi in the next room). Blow the demon away, then head back to the entrance to the tunnel, and a room on the east of the eye symbol containing a switch has opened. Operate this switch, and behind you, a wall opens way back where you picked up the rocket launcher. You're now faced with either rushing past the mancubi, and on, or (and this is the infinitely preferable option) back to the launcher area. As you walk down this dark corridor, various enemies come out and have a go ...including a few lost souls (bloody things, we call them 'eads, as in "Look out, 'eads!"). Try the door on your right as you turn left past the hanging remains of one of your former colleagues in the metal won't work, but what the hell, try it anyway. As you take the next (right hand) bend, the remains of an arch-vile hanging on the wall (behind the red pillar-box - that's mailbox to our transatlantic cousins - the cylindrical red thing) are the secret shoot switch that opens the final door. Remember this, but don't waste your precious ammo at present, as you gotta long way to go, marine! Turn left, give the charging spectre peace, then turn right and repeat same. Go on round the corner, past the EXIT sign (you can't get out yet, so don't try) and you enter a fire-fight zone. An alcove on your left (even though it contains a soul sphere AND blue armour) is not to be trifled with. Leave alone for now, or regret it. Monsters, including imps, lost souls, chaingun funboys and sergeants pour out of the sewers via a stairway behind a barrel sat on a crate. Use the barrel to take some out, but DONT GET UP ON THE CRATE, as you will teleport yourself into an apocalyptically poisonous room. If you do, there is a way out, but since you were warned, you can work it out for yourself. The way out is itself bad news, so stay clear. Go down the stairs, open the door (if its not occupied by a chaingun-wielding maniac already) and sort the inhabitants. As you travel north, a door opens at the far end of the sewer. Run up and shoot the far end of the revealed room. You will hear a door opening (it is the one you tried unsuccessfully as you entered this part of the complex). Go back out. Turn right, pass the protruding wall, then open the door on your right (if it's not open already). Clear out the hall, then open the door on the left BY OPERATING THE DOOR ON THE RIGHT. Blow away the sergeants in Jagos shop...well, he was a butcher...then go out, turn right, up to the bridge at Solomons End, and clear the decks by blowing away the spectre there. Go back into the entrance hall to Jagos shop, operate the door on the left to open that on the right, see to the imp, then dash very quickly in for the armour, and out again. A wall drops down between you and the entrance, and if it traps you, you're dead meat. Leave 'em to duke it out, sort the survivors once the door re-opens, pick up the weapons and bonuses and on. Go back out, turn right, over the Solomons End bridge, taking in the waterfall on your left...this fall is one of the wonders of Victorian London, and is used to power many mills, with its millions of footpounds of power... ...sorry, tourguide mode there. Turn right, go through the wall ahead...yes, it IS annoying when people do that, isn't it?..and return to the door you tried (left, left). Open up, take the shells, and backing out fires you back into the sewers..but move FAST...this time they're pure poison. Run down the sewer, and a teleport takes you to safety and known territory opposite. Take a quick breather, then out of the door, up the stairs, and out into the alleys again. This time, go left, down to the end, go left, and turn up into the steps to the high level alleys. When you attempt to leap the first gap, you open up a door. Behind this door is a serious problem...two bad guys, a pain elemental and a baron...if you ain't got major firepower, bro', you meat. Kick them, then go round again, Jump the gap, and take the next gap. Here be problems. You're stood among six barrels, and an imp is bearing down on you with his fireballs. Sort him, go down the alley, pick up the rockets, then as you go past the corner, reverse and hit it. A revenant comes out, and requires a rocket massage. Go round the corner where he was standing, sort the demon, and go out the skulls door as it opens. Turn left down the familar alley, right, then left up the stairs to the high level alleys again. Jump both gaps, waste the spectres, get the rockets and the blue key, then head back and drop into the first gap again. Turn into the stairs under the flashing library sign...remember that? Go up, turn right, blow away anything breathing (but watch the barrel), then drop out of the end, and run back round to the library sign again. Go up the steps, and into the door on your left (requires the blue key). You are in a library. Go east. A chaingun dude appears. Kill him with the gun. Go back. Go south. Take the medikit. The wall opens. A mancubus, imps and chaingun dudes appear. Kill them with the gun. Leave the library. Remember you are not playing a crap 80s text adventure. Now, its show time. You've gotta face the mancubi. No, its no use hiding. Go around the stairs, drop down, go right a bit to open the door, and go out into the alley. You can go back to the high level alleys and jump, which takes you through the room with the door standing ajar (where you offed the two spectres), and down the it, the steps start two crushing ceilings, although there is a gap where you can stop to catch breath by the gas lamp..and out into the level of the mancubus room. CLEAR THE BARRELS FIRST. These guys are to be taken seriously. Your best bet is to use the super shotgun. You can alternatively go the other way. Head back to the pillar box,turn right, follow the alley right back to the eye in the triangle, and then right to where you once saw off a demon. RUN LIKE HELL around the left hand side of the mancubus room and up the stairs behind it, taking out the chain gun dude at the top. You could have a pop at the mancubi as you run, to stir things up a bit. Now clear the barrels (and a monster or two), and settle down to snipe at the mancubi. Dodge about, unload the super shotgun, and take 'em down. If you survive (is an odd feeling of insecurity beginning to creep over you? Do you imagine you hear satanic laughter?), grab the red key, and hi-tail it. Either way, (up the stairs to the spectre room is quickest, but mind the crushing ceilings) get back to the area of the alcove with the soul sphere and blue armour. Shoot the barrels out, prepare, get the rocket launcher ready, with twelve rockets at least, and grab the goodies. Look out opposite, every mancubus, arachnotron and other beastie in town is after blood, and it's YOURS! Wipe 'em out, then grab all the goodies, open the tower and grab the yellow key. Get out (the blocking sides that covered your exit as you took on the building site baddies are down by now), head south and down the steps marked exit. Go into the room, and you are faced by two revenants (and a head). Wack 'em, and notice that the last door isn't open. Guess what, asshole? You forgot to shoot the panel...go back to the pillar box, shoot the panel, and run back to the exit room. Go through..not too fast, or you'll end up in a transporter which takes you back to the room with the open door (where the spectres lie). Turn left..your last test, another pain elemental. Lay him to rest, go forward, and you're out! Hang on...did I hear you say "Yeah, right, I would be if that arch-vile hadn't appeared!. He's yours to deal with, bro, I can't even tell you where he goes, man, John Romero made him, and I placed him, and what he does then is his own sweet deal... INTERLUDE.. The last flash takes you down into without motion, time without action...warping time and space, the anomaly silent screams you into futurity...and the years of World War I...WATRMILL.WAD is only a little way away...