oOoOoOoOoOo LIFE-SAVER oOoOoOoOoOo --Chapter one: The House-- Title : LIFE2.ZIP Filename : LIFE2.WAD Author : Life-Saver Email Address : Description : It is the EXACT reply of my house and furniture. (of course there are some exeptions but... do you REALLY care? DO YOU?) Additional Credits to : Matt Ayres (WADED), Snyper, ID Software (for creating this exeptionnal game) ============================================================================= * Play Information * Doom Version : DOOM2 v1.666 or greater only! Level # : Level1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Sure! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Why not? Difficulty Settings : Yep! New Sounds : Not Yet New Graphics : any New Music : naa! Demos Replaced : maybe one day * Construction * Base : Waded...Just trying it out! Build Time : Two weeks. Editor(s) used : WADED v1.42 & v1.81á Known Bugs : Those little box in my room... there is a little problem with them. and if you broke the barrier of the road in front of the house (witch is impassable) and you place your-self on the side looking the house, you will apear in the DOS with a little ERROR signal. So, i made the place inaccesible. ok there is the sky that is lookin like a wall (all around the map) with WADED, I couln'd make it like a real sky. Maybe one day! -sorry- -------------------------------------and-now:-------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=THE=-=STORY=-=SO-=-FAR-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -7:13am- As you're comming back from a party, you're thinking: - BOY! my parents will KILL me when ill be back home! I was supposed to come back BEFORE 10:00pm YESTERDAY! Entering in the drive way, you remark a red glowing light comming from the ditch. - WHAT IS THIS?!? LAVA? HERE? If it couldn't be only this! worst was to come,... So you decide to get in the house. The car is not in the driveway. - WHY? they don't work today! You get to the front door, and turn the handle. You ear a little "click" and notice that the door is locked. - GREAT! I forgot my keys at the party... Now i must find another way to get in. As you go all around the house, looking for a unlocked window, you see somthing move in the basement. Who is that guy? you have no idea. you see him disapear behind the wall, in a passageway that leave upstair. - Well, i can see that i'm not alone! So you grab a nearby rock, and smash the window. You carefully slide yourself into the house and start looking for a weapon. - OH! right. My dad's gun. In that little box up here! You get a stool, and climb on it... open the box, and grab the gun. - This will help me blasting out the intruder. But, it is shure that if I can get to my room and take my Hunt weapon, it will REALLY help! You think to yourself: "LET THE CHASE BEGIN!" And then, you get to the stairs. You close the door behind you. Creaking like hell, it close and a little noisy "click" confirm that it is closed, and locked. You get the stairs and as you turn to get the other set of stairs, you see two dead body. The two body of your mom and dad. They are there, lying at your feet. A tear slide on your face... and then, another... and after, you burst into tears on ther immobiles bodys. Just a few second later, you hear a growling noise. You turn quickly, and start screaming: - Why!?! ...WHY??!?! ... and WHAT are you...??!?!? You point the gun in his direction, and start shooting with a blasting revenge feeling. As the first bullet of your gun run out trow the beast stomac, you hear MANY others beast starting growling they're way to you... Now you know what happened to your parents. But you have NO idea of what will hapend next and WHAT was going on... >|- Now you go on all by yourself -|< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-SOME=-=FEW=-=TIPS-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU CAN READ IT! IT DOES NOT REVEAL ALL THE SECRETS AND ALL THE BEST PARTS! OK for you, it will be harder than for me because this is the exact reply of my house! So I know where is my room, and I know where are the monsters. (I build the level... remember?) Ok so... the caracter (YOU) is a hunter. So he have a hunt arsenal in his room. And if you are hurt, normally... where do you heal yourself? IN THE BATHROOM! so there is ONE Midpack... (it appear like) but i placed many of them right at the same place... so it appear that there is only one, but in fact, there are many of them. (enough for the level, but not unlimited) same for the ammos. ONLY in is room and all at the same place! There is no other ammo source in the level. Same for the Midkit... Oh sure... there is a blue sphere in a secret closet! but... where? just at TùƒÈ”ÛÞ¹| <“[ä... oops... sorry! hehe! And if you want to open the kittchen outdoor, the tips is: RUN LIKE HELL! it is really hard to get there... but you must! cause there is your way out! ... and the ComputerMap on the table is not easy to get but... just sit somewhere and think of it...(hint hint HINT!) OK... BEWARE when you get the red keycard... you MUST have a healt upper than 80% cause if you don't, ... bye bye... ok and the ultimate tips,: DON'T USE THOSE STUPID CHEAT CODES!!!!! It IS possible to get through the level... I can permitt you to use ONLY the IDCLIP code if you are trap in the lava ditch... BUT NOWHERE ELSE THAN THERE! OK? DID I MAKED MYSELF CLEAR? Oh... and when you still dont have the hunt guns, DONT explore the house! when you killed the first IMP, there will be a Lost Soul near you... kill it, and get in your room. you'll have two others IMPs to kill (Ultra-Violence) and the shotguns are yours! AFTER go every where else in the house! The key of the front door is in my parents room! the room JUST before mine ...Oh! the caracter know where is his room... So you should know it too. My room is at the end of the passageway (up the stairs). you'll see my computer, and ... some IMPs! ...That should be all... By the way... I Know that in this file, there is many syntax error!... sorry! I'm FRENCH (Quebec)... but I'm good enough in english to be able to write this... So Don't care of all those errors! THANKS P.S.: My next level will be the EXACT REPLY on my SCHOOL! hehe... killing those teachers will be fun! WILL IT? -------------------------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=---------------------------------- * Where to get this WAD * ... by onzipping the LIFE2.ZIP file! or at: RED OXYDE BBS node#3 (514) 293-8216 Contact the author: or: RED OXYDE BBS node#1, #2, #3. My alias is Life-Saver or: Max Pelletier (514) 263-2628