================================================================ Title :Deathwatch 1.0 Filename :DW1_0.WAD Author :Aaron Gill Email Address :agill01@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us or DW066@aol.com Description :A really cool Deathmatch pwad for Heretic -- Additional Credits to :Michael Byrd (thanks for the advice and the hundred hours of "testing") ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes (if you want, but it was designed for DM) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (ditto) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (you bet!!!) Difficulty Settings : Doesn't matter New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Converted from a Doom II Pwad made from scratch Editor(s) used : Edmap121, Waded, HEU Known Bugs : none really, except when you play over a modem with monsters, it slows down a bit. This wad is not completely finished yet. As soon as I have some time, I will finish the level and post it on AOL. Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. If you do change the level, please contact me and send a copy. I would like to see what changes you have made. 1. NMY_HAUS.ZIP- My greatest artistic creation yet, It's DOOM in my house. What else can you ask for? 2. DETHWATCH.ZIP- My Deathwatch pwad for Doom ][, It is my greatest achievment to date. My friends and I have spent -literally- hundreds of hours playing it. (It's not posted yet, but is should be by the end of July) 3. MyAOD.ZIP- I changed the sounds to Army of Darkness sounds, I know there were already some out there, but they sucked. 4. Nirvana.Zip- I changed all the music in Doom ][ to songs by Nirvana, Guns n' Roses, Metalica, Terminator 2, Weezer, Batman, and many others. Its a lot of fun 5. SEX_PIT.ZIP-It has no sex, but its a good Deathmatch level. I recommend it. 6. *MANY* More to come Have fun!!!