his is KNIGHT_KEEP. Episode 1 Map 2 (pwad).....for Heretic. It can be played on the shareware version of Heretic. To play this level, put the (Knt_Keep.wad) and the (Play.bat) files into your Heretic directory. Then just type, (PLAY) to start Knight_Keep. If you find this skill setting too hard...just edit the (Play.bat) file. To do this change only the "-SKILL 3" to a lower setting. ....... -SKILL 2 Please inform me, if you like these wads, and i will continue to build more. I'll probably do that anyway...but if you give me some feedback i'll be able to make them even better, with your help. I can be reached at....... bv332@freenet.carleton.ca Thanks for your help, and for playing Knight_Keep.